Materials We Prefer
Here at Soul Source, we're committed to finding home goods made with materials that are safe for us and easy on the environment.
Wool is a renewable fiber that does not cause harm to the animal to harvest the wool. Wool is an extremely diverse fiber and naturally contains nitrogen and moisture, which gives the fiber low inflammability. Wool has balanced thermal insulation properties - meaning it is warm in winter and cool in the summer. Wool is hypoallergenic - it is resistant to bacteria, mold and mildew that can trigger allergic reactions in many people. It absorbs harmful pollutants - not only does wool absorb many harmful pollutants from the air, but it also does not re-emit them. It's estimated that wool used in interiors can help purify the air for 30 years. World Of Wool
Wood is a renewable resource that can multi-task like no other. Though wood can - and often is - unsustainably harvested, it is a renewable resource that can be sourced from sustainably managed forests. This means that new trees are planted to replace those that are harvested and practices like clear cutting are avoided. There are so many ways to incorporate wood into your home decor, from furniture to kitchen goods.
Recycled Plastics:
The only plastic you will find in the store are those products that are made from recycled plastics in order to reduce the amount of plastics in the waste stream, including what makes its way into landfills and oceans. It is estimated that eight million tons of plastic are released into the oceans every year. Marine animals eat the plastic which compromises their health and spreads these toxic chemicals throughout the food chain. The chemicals in plastics have been linked to serious health conditions in humans, including birth defects, infertility, cognitive decline and cancer.
Coming Soon!
More info on our preferred materials
Stainless Steel
Soul Source currently carries a wide range of products that are needed every day in your home.
We all have numerous decisions to make each day that can be good or bad for our long-term health. Soul Source hopes to make some of those decisions easier.
The goal is, wherever possible to source materials that are natural, not detrimental to our health and products that are made in the USA, or as local as we can get. Often you may see labels that espouse to 'green' or 'sustainable'. It is difficult to know what it all means.
Soul Source is committed to researching products so that when you enter the store you can feel confident about the products you are buying. Not just if they have been made with locally grow or organically grown materials but that they are benefitting your neighbors, your country and your health.
Not all products will be able meet all these criteria. Soul Source is interested in knowing what you're interested in sourcing. We will not always get it right, we will continue to search, to visit manufacturing plants in the US, to conduct our due diligence and change as markets, interests and materials change.
Check out some of our highlighted products.
Operating Hours
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
Sunday -Monday-Tuesday -Friday Closed
Tel: 603-620-1863